To contact us, please use our online form.
Alternatively, you can write to: Customer Service Manager, English Heritage, The Engine House, Fire Fly Avenue, Swindon, SN2 2EH
We aim to respond to customer feedback within 10 working days.
Escalating your complaint
If you feel that your issue has not been resolved, our Head of Customer Services can review your case. You can write to the Head of Customer Services at the address above.
English Heritage is committed to working to a high standard of integrity and encourages a culture of openness and honesty.
Speak Up is a system you can use to flag concerns about malpractice, illegal activity or other wrongdoing. This could include possible criminal offences such as fraud, theft and bribery, risks to an individual’s health and safety or environmental damage. If you have any such concerns, please complete the Speak Up online form. The information you provide will be treated confidentially.
Speak Up is only designed to deal with the kind of concerns mentioned above. Any other feedback, complaints or membership queries will be forwarded to our Customer Services team, who you can email direct on the Contact Us form for a faster response.