1066 and the Norman Conquest

March into 1066

On 25th September, a band of 1066 warriors left York to trek south by horse and foot. They arrived at the site of the Battle of Hastings on October 14th, 950 years to the day that King Harold met William, Duke of Normandy's invading force.

Follow @EnglishHeritage on Twitter to see all of our coverage of the most decisive year in English history.



The story of the March

  • The Departure from York

    See the 1066 Warriors set off from Clifford's Tower in York.

  • Hyde Park Encampment

    After travelling to Hyde Park, the 1066 Warriors arrived at an encampment of living history.

  • Live Schools Event

    Pupils from across the country put their 1066 questions to Dan Snow at our live event from Battle Abbey in Hastings.

Thanks for Taking Part

Thank you for being part of the #Battle1066 march. Here's a selection of your photos tweeted from along the route.

The Battle of Stamford Bridge

This September the Battle of Stamford Bridge Society marked 950 years since Harold defeated a Viking force with an action-packed event near York.

Find out more

More about 1066

Discover how the Norman Conquest transformed England, and explore some of the spectacular castles and great abbeys the Normans built across the land.