Accessible Toilets

Adult Changing Area


Easy-use Cutlery

Assistance Dogs Welcome

Wheelchair Loan

Site Folders

Dog Bowl and Toileting
Dog water bowl located by the admission point.
Wheelchair Access
Most parts accessed on firm, level path, except gun battery (limited access) and within gatehouse (steps at entrance). More steps inside. Access to priory via 40m of smooth grass; manual wheelchair users may wish to bring an assistant. A wheelchair is available on loan. Please call for details.
Entrance / Set Down
Visitors with limited mobility can be set down at the entrance.
Disabled Parking
Four disabled car spaces on site, approx. 50 metres from admission point. Please call to reserve. To access disabled drivers’ car park, drive up causeway from Front Street, through castle gatehouse and turn right.
OnSite Transport
No Information Available
Steep steps to the gun battery. There is a ramp access to the Warrant Officer's house.
Lift Access
No Information Available
Seating And Restpoints
Rest points and picnic benches dotted around the edge of the site.
Pathways Surface And Gradients
Gravel paths, and a cobbled driveway underneath the Barbican. Most parts accessed on firm, level path, except gun battery and within gatehouse (steps at entrance).