
Kids' Area

Welcome to the kids' area, where you can learn about England’s history. Within each historical period you can discover more about everyday life in the past, including real people from the rich and famous to the general population, our properties and key historical events. There are online magazines under each section, plus videos, activities, games, recipes and much more. 

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History highlights

An illustration of the Normans landing on the beach in England in 1066

1066: the battle of Hastings

The Battle of Hastings is one of the most famous in English history. But what actually happened in 1066? Tap below to find out everything you need to know about the battle!

Also in our top pages this month: can you spot our top creepy crawlies? Play our 1066 'Who's Who?' game, find William I in a busy Norman crowd and discover what life was like in a medieval castle.

Discover 1066
Illustration of a jousting knight on a horse facing William Cavendish on a horse doing Stuart dressage

Spotlight on: Sports and games

Explore our guide to sports and games from English History. Discover how to play your own historical games at home and find out more about sports in the past and sporting heroes in Kids Rule! magazine.

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Explore 500,000 years of the past with our expandable timeline, taking you on a whistlestop tour through some of the most famous moments in England's story.  You'll meet emperors and conquerors, hear tales of fire and famine, discover inventors and adventurers, unearth prehistoric bones and come face to face with kings and queens.

Explore the timeline


As an exclusive offering for family members, kids can pick up one of our nifty pop badges every time you visit English Heritage sites. Plus, you can also pick up a lanyard to collect them on. 

Make sure you keep a look out for the limited edition pop badges!

Find out more

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